Discover our award-winning exhibition at your own pace. We don’t provide a guided tour; members of your group will be free to explore the exhibition in whatever order and at whatever pace suits them.
Your group also has the option of taking a self-guided M&S Heritage Trail from the Archive through the wonderful city of Leeds to the historic Kirkgate Market.
Self-guided M&S Heritage Trail
Pick up a free leaflet and walk from the Archive to Kirkgate Market, visiting sites of interest on the way. Finish your tour at the M&S Heritage Stall, close to the site of the very first Penny Bazaar, we suggest you allow 60-90 minutes to complete the trail. Alternatively take your coach into the city centre and use the Heritage Trail leaflet to discover the history of M&S in Leeds (45 minutes approx.). The full trail is a walking tour that involves up to 90 minutes of walking, and so may not be suitable for all members of your group.