The archive collection is used for research by students, academics, school pupils, interested individuals and M&S colleagues
An amazing research resource

While the archive team can help with quick questions about the archive collection or M&S history, we can’t undertake detailed research for you. Instead, we will help you to navigate and access the collection so that you can undertake your research yourself.
For operational business reasons, or to comply with Data Protection legislation, personal or commercially sensitive material may be restricted or closed access. Our Archive Catalogue includes access status, so that it’s easy to see whether restrictions apply to specific items. You don’t need to provide a letter of introduction or proof of identify to use the collection.
Other resources that may be helpful
A selected bibliography of published sources on M&S history
M&S Timelines
Our Timelines highlight key developments and milestones across different aspects of M&S history
Online Exhibitions
Our online exhibitions provide more detail and may include a subject area you’re interested in
Online Talks
Our online talks feature images from the collection and may cover a subject area you’re researching
M&S Corporate Website
For current business information and company reports, see the M&S corporate website