Find out about things to do when you visit, and discover activities to try at home.
Fun for the whole family
“The kids loved trying on the clothes. It’s really family friendly, will definitely come back.”
Sparky Saturday visitor
On your way…
Download our Getting Here Spotter Trail to use during your journey to the Archive.
Getting Here Spotter Trail
When you get here…
Things to do at the Archive
- Dress up in the Design Studio
- Go shopping in the Penny Bazaar
- Do the Percy Trail
- Download our Playful Prompts for some simple ideas for a playful visit.
Playful Prompts

For visitors with SEND
Our sensory backpacks are designed for visitors with SEND. They’re free to borrow, just pick one up from Reception when you arrive. We also have a visual story and a sensory map to help you prepare for your visit.
When you get home…
Start your own archive!
What would you put in the Archive of You?
Start collecting photos, pictures, tickets, certificates and anything else that records information about you and your life.
Think about where you could keep all of your archives, do you have a special box or book that they could be stored in?
You could start an archive catalogue. Write a list of everything in your collection and give each item a number or code, you could add a short description of what each thing is and the location that it is stored – so that might be a page number in your book or section of your box.
Design clothes for the future...
What will people be wearing in 50 years’ time?
We already have water and sun resistant fabrics, we have super-light clothes that keep us really warm and even fabrics that can change colour – what amazing new fabrics will be invented? What important things will they be able to do for us?
Draw a picture of what you think clothes will look like 50 years in the future.
How old will you be in 50 years?
Proof of the Pudding activity pack
Using the M&S Chocolate Melt in the Middle Pudding as a focus for fun, investigative learning, explore the science of baking and chocolate, find out about ingredients and design your own new dessert. Not forgetting the taste test at the end!