Choose from our current resource packs, all supporting different subject areas.
Run our most popular workshops at home
Chocolate - Proof of the Pudding
This resource uses the M&S Chocolate Melt in the Middle Pudding as a focus for fun, investigative learning. Explore the science of baking and chocolate, find out about the functions of different ingredients and design your own new dessert. Conduct a delicious taste test using scientific thinking to analyse the flavours and textures of the pudding.
Art & Design - M&S and Turner
Explore Turner’s work and techniques through an investigation of The Pantheon, the Morning After the Fire, a fascinating early work from the M&S collection.
Science Investigation - Fabric & Fashion
Find out about and compare a range of fabrics, their properties and uses through observation, discussion and simple scientific investigations. Play the Find the Fabric game and use your imagination and problem-solving skills to design a garment for the future.